Emergency Management

The Village of Harrison Hot Springs and the District of Kent are partners in the Kent-Harrison Joint Emergency Program (KHJEP). This program addresses the four pillars of emergency management:

  • Mitigation and prevention,
  • Preparedness,
  • Response, and
  • Recovery.

The KHJEP covers approximately 174 square kilometres with a permanent population of over 7,500 residents, with thousands more visiting during the peak tourist season.

Together, the municipalities fund a part-time Emergency Program Coordinator, a volunteer Deputy Emergency Program Coordinator, and support a team of volunteers in the Emergency Support Services program. The municipalities also maintain an Emergency Operations Centre as well as backup facilities. 

The potential hazards in the Village of Harrison include flooding, wildfires, landslides, and earthquakes. While we cannot predict when disaster will strike, we do have the power to be as prepared as possible.


Mitigation projects are either undertaken by the Emergency Management team or other departments within the Village of Harrison Hot Springs, such as the Operations Department.



During an emergency or disaster, the Village of Harrison Hot Springs' response is guided by eight response goals:

  • Provide for the safety and health of all responders
  • Save lives
  • Reduce suffering
  • Protect infrastructure
  • Protect property
  • Protect the environment
  • Reduce economic and social losses


Recovery measures are initiated as quickly as possible, generally right after life safety issues have been addressed and include:

  • Temporary housing
  • Monitoring of health care needs, including psychosocial needs, and continued provision of health services
  • Environmental impact assessment
  • Economic recovery
  • Planning and reconstruction

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