FireSmart Canada is a national program helping Canadians increase neighbourhood resilience to wildfire and minimize its negative impacts. Everyone has a part to play when it comes to preventing wildfire and reducing risk.
Statistics estimate that 50% of homes burnt during a wildfire are started by embers, which travel a distance of 2km on average. When embers land on or near a fire-resilient home or yard, they typically burn out before the roofs or walls can ignite. If the same ember lands on a fuel source of any sort, it has a much better chance of generating the heat necessary for ignition. This is why implementing FireSmart practices on your property is so important. FireSmart principles are designed to mitigate a home's vulnerability to wildfire. Homes ignite due to the condition of the home and everything that surrounds it, up to 30 metres from the foundation- this is called the Home Ignition Zone.

Request a Home Ignition Zone Assessment
Would you like to request a FREE FireSmart home ignition zone assessment? Please send an email with your name, address, and phone number to: [email protected]
Our team will then contact you to schedule a time to complete the assessment of your property.
Upon completion of a Home Ignition Zone Assessment, you may be eligible to receive a rebate of 50% of your expenses incurred to take FireSmart actions on your property, up to $500.00.
Deadline to request a rebate is November 30, 2024.
FireSmart 101
Want to learn about the wildland urban interface? Want to learn more about the FireSmart program and its principles?
Take the FireSmart 101 training course!
Form a Neighbourhood FireSmart Committee
The Village's FireSmart team can assist you in forming a local neighbourhood FireSmart Committee. The FireSmart neighbourhood program is designed to encourage groups of residents to take the lead in implementing solutions for wildfire safety on their own properties. Working together with your neighbours can be a fun and effective way to protect the neighbourhood.