The Village of Harrison Hot Springs is proud to be designated as an Age-friendly Community

Age-friendly features include . . .
- Walkable sidewalks, pathways and trails
- Good accessibility to and within public buildings (e.g., few stairs, wheelchair ramps that are not too steep, accessible washrooms)
- Along footpaths, accessible washrooms (e.g., wide push-button doors, rails and rest areas, including benches that are an appropriate height
Ideally, community dialogues will involve all members of the community in the
exploration of age-friendliness, as many of the features that benefit older adults
can also benefit other groups in the community. The Age-Friendly community that works for seniors works for everyone.
Click here to view the Age Friendly Action Plan and Appendices
Chair Yoga
Join us Tuesday mornings for Chair Yoga! This low intensity, low barrier program is supported by the Age-friendly Communities Grant. The next scheduled programming will be:
- March 4 - March 25
- May 6 - June 10
Be sure to register in advance at the Village Office. We hope to see you there!