The Village of Harrison Hot Springs provides a Solid Waste Removal Service through GFL Environmental. This service provides for curbside collection of domestic waste, recyclables and green waste. For any questions regarding waste collection or if your garbage was not picked up, please contact GFL Environmental directly at 604-823-2116.
Curbside Collection Program
- 2025 Curbside Collection Schedule and Guide
- 2022 Service Improvements Notice
- Curbside Collection New Bin/Bin Replacement Application Form
Domestic waste is collected on Thursdays. Containers must be placed at curbside before 7:00 a.m.
The limits are:
- one (1) 121 liter container or 25kg of organics + up to ten paper yard waste bags. Organics collected weekly.
- one (1) 121 liter container or 25kg of domestic waste. Domestic waste collected bi-weekly.
- Unlimited mixed recyclables. The container(s) must not exceed 121 liters or 25 kg and be clearly identified as a recycling container (blue recycling bags not accepted). Glass must be in a separate container. Recyclables collected bi-weekly.