
Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)

The Chief Administrative Officer is appointed by the Municipal Council and is responsible to Council for the execution of Council's decisions. The CAO is responsible for the overall management of the operations of the municipality and coordinates all work of the Village's departments. The CAO attends all meetings of Council and provides professional advice and recommendations to Council ensuring that the policies, programs and other directions of Council are implemented. The CAO is responsible to advise and inform Council of the day to day operations and affairs of the municipality. When necessary, the CAO also develops policies and procedures that apply to administration of the Village Office.

Corporate Officer

The Corporate Officer holds the statutory position and is assigned the responsibility of corporate administration. The key responsibilities are to ensure accurate minutes of Council meetings and Council Committees are prepared and that the minutes, bylaws and other records of the business of Council and Committees are maintained and kept safe.

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIIP)

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, is comprehensive legislation to help provide the public access to records in the custody or under the control of local governments within BC. Whenever possible, the Village of Harrison Hot Springs will provide certain records that are routinely available to the public.

Records that are routine information such as agendas, minutes, bylaws, policies, procedures and information related to your property are available without submitting a formal request.  To request routine records, please email your request to [email protected]

If the information is not available through routine channels, you may make a request under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

The "Act" sets out its two main purposes:

  • to make local governments more open and accountable by providing the public with access to records; and
  • to protect personal privacy by preventing the unauthorized collection, use or disclosure of personal information by local governments.

If you would like to request a document from the Village, please make your request in writing and/or use the Freedom of Information Form and submit to the Village Office or email (attention: Corporate Officer).

Application Fees:

A non-refundable application fee of $10 is required for general FOI requests pursuant to section 75 of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection Act. There are no application fees or processing fees for personal FOI requests.

Your request will not be processed until payment is received. Fee payments are accepted 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM (closed 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.) Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays. We accept cash, debit or  cheques made payable to Village of Harrison Hot Springs.

Additional processing fees may apply to general FOI requests, depending on the size and complexity of the request description.   The Village’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Bylaw outlines the processing fees that can be charged for FOI requests for the following tasks or services:

  • locating, retrieving and producing the record;
  • preparing the record;
  • shipping and handling the record
  • providing a copy of the record

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Bylaw No. 1166